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Sleepers x Squarespace

Launch your project with Squarespace

1°/ Share your experience with Charlotte, founder of the HOY hotel and temple of well-being, who will give you the advice she would have liked to have received as a budding entrepreneur.

2°/ a sharing of expertise with Salomé, founder of the agency "L'équipe Créative" and SquareSpace expert, who will share with you the three golden rules to know for an efficient and intuitive website and introduce you to the platform's key functionalities.

👉 The aim of this course? In just 1 hour, to give you all the keys you need to bring your project (and your site) to life. (and your site).

At the end of the course, you will know : 

✅ Formalize your project
✅ Build an impactful website
✅ Know all the best practices to give visibility to your project


September 1

Circle Day: France Meetup

November 19

Ulule x Squarepace Masterclass