Our video training sessions are free of technical jargon and unnecessary jargon.

  • Formation Squarespace supplémentaire <br> 120€

    Your website is online but you still have trouble managing it? Make an appointment for an hour with a Squarespace expert to ask all your questions.

  • Formation Complète Squarespace <br> 320€

    We teach you how to modify the content of your site, understand its back office and process your online orders.

  • Ajouter et gérer la prise de rendez-vous en ligne à mon site internet <br> 290€

    We train you on the Acuity Scheduling tool so that you can offer your clients online appointment scheduling from your website and your social network pages.

  • Formation Shopify <br> 360€

    We teach you how to modify the content of your site, understand its back office and process your online orders.

  • Réserver son nom de domaine et créer son adresse e-mail professionnelle <br>90€

    Need help to reserve your domain name, create your business email addresses and set them up on your computer and smartphone? We do it together in 45 minutes!

  • Créer et envoyer ses Newsletters <br> 250€

    We set up the Squarespace or Mailchimp newsletter tool with you. We teach you how to use it and we create together a first template to reuse.

  • Créer soi-même ses contenus et ses posts instagram <br> 250€

    Thanks to specialized tools (Canva, Unfold, Splice), learn to create digital content like a pro!