Guide: Think about your website before you start designing it

We've created a 15-page document to help you define your vision and objectives; the key messages you want to convey on your website and the actions you want to propose to convert each user into a potential customer.

For example, have you ever asked yourself these 3 fundamental questions?

Before embarking on the creation of a website, it's essential to prepare a number of elements to ensure its success. Start by asking yourself the right questions!

1. Who's it for?

Who is my site aimed at? My existing customers, a new target, my partners, etc.


2. Why is this?

Is the objective to promote my services, monetize my online offerings, build audience loyalty or create a database? Could my web site help me to accelerate my growth, my processes or the evolution of my business?


3. How do we do it?

How can my website help me to accelerate my growth, improve my processes or develop my business? What functionalities should I offer on my website to achieve this? E-shop, newsletter, discovery calls, request for quote, etc.

Contents :

  • Steps before getting started

  • Create your own visual identity

  • Rethinking design by choosing reference sites

  • Define your navigation

  • Define your functionalities

  • Place your call-to-action buttons effectively to convert

  • Write content

  • Organizing your project

  • Useful resources


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